In one word Branding is perception. Digital branding is all about establishing your brand's story and presence in the digital space. Your brand is what you put out for people to think about you. Digital branding is the key to establishing a meaningful connection with your target audience.
It’s about using your uniqueness that differentiates you and your offerings from every other person in the world
In today's world, your digital brand determines if you will be heard, seen or listened to because you are no longer just in competition with people living in Nigeria, you are in competition with the whole world
Digital branding is a term that’s used rather loosely to describe all the different ways in which a business draws in its customers online. It includes a number of different aspects of marketing including SEO, online advertising, content marketing, social media, and influencer marketing.
Your digital brand is divided into 3 parts
1. Your Digital Identity
2. Your Visibility
3. Your Credibility
1. Your Digital Identity
Your digital identity is the total compilation of information about you that exists in digital form — this can be everything from your date of birth to something you like on Facebook or Instagram.A brand can’t just tell us what it represents and then expect us to believe it. A brand needs to live its values and then communicate them via digital branding.
Consider this all the touchpoints at which your target audience is exposed to your brand in the digital space.This includes your website, online search results, social media networks, and review sites.Naturally, priority and resources are placed on “controlled” touchpoints such as your website but the most influential touchpoints are ones that are “uncontrolled” which are your ratings and review sites. You can control your visibility through digital ads and search engine optimization
You can spend years building your credibility but it can take seconds to be ruined. It is important to actively build the feedback loop with your target audience to protect your creditability
If you are a fan of shoes, would you rather pick nike ✔️ or road side sneakers?
Would you rather go for Coca-Cola or triumph-cola
Would you rather buy nestle water or gracey water?
*How to build your digital brand*
In order to build your brand you must answer these questions
- Who are you?
- What makes you unique from other brands?
- What problem are you solving?
- What is your brand's message?
- What are your values?
- Who is your ideal customer or audience?
- Target your audience
Your online presence is still in the premiere mode by which most potential customers will learn about and interact with your brand.
Digital branding let’s you zero-in on your audience by targeting specific customer groups through the online platforms they use most frequently: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and tik-tok and others.
Connect with customers
Successful digital branding makes customers feel like you’re speaking directly to them, especially because you’re engaging on the same platforms they use to interact with friends and family members.
You need to be personal and meaningful: that’s how you convert one-time customers into lifelong brand followers.
At its core, digital branding facilitates communication between you and your customers.
Ultimately, a brand that isn’t searchable online practically doesn’t exist in the
contemporary consumer’s mind.
Components of Branding
1. Logo
A logo is the single image a customer should associate first-and-foremost with your brand. When you Think about Apple and you instantly conjure an illuminated fruit. When you think about nike you immediately see a correct sign.
Your Logo should match the personality and values of your business, industry and target audience. While you don’t want to get too flashy, your logo design should be memorable enough to leave an impression, but not so complicated that audience members won’t remember it.
2. Social media
Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat: almost everyone, including your 85-year-old grandma, has some sort of social media presence. If your customers are there, your brand should be too.
Tailor every post to the platform on which it appears.
Snapchat intends to be fun, lively and targeted toward a younger crowd.
Instagram posts are image-driven and designed to drive likes and comments.
Twitter works in real-time and responds to current events and news.
Facebook is a little bit of everything with an emphasis on behind-the-scenes content about how your brand works.
3. Website
If your logo is the sign for your business, your website is your digital storefront location.
When a customer wants to know your brick-and-mortar locations, your hours of operation, your product listings or your contact information, they won’t be digging through the phone book.
They’ll Google your website, where they’ll expect to find information quickly and easily.
If you don't have a website yet have a business page online to serve as an interim website
Brand Messaging
Brand messaging is what you say and how you say it.
The message should reflect what your company does and believes, and speak succinctly to your customers’ immediate needs and desires.
A successful brand message should answer these questions:
What do you do?
What do you stand for?
Why do you matter?
For example consider this message
As a result of what I do as a Digital Strategist and a Software Engineer; Entrepreneurial minded people are able to create, keep and multiply their income, influence and impact utilizing the digital resources available to them.
It could also be
I help Entrepreneurial minded people to create, keep and multiply their income, influence and impact using the digital resources available to them.
The template is
I help X do Y using Z
X is your ideal customer
Y is the problem you are solving